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Northwest Tech Sponsors Point Guard University

Goodland, KS. (06/20/2023)  – Point Guard U Basketball Camp just finished their
camp this last week in Goodland, where kids, 3rd through 12th grade, got the
opportunity to improve their basketball skills and learn from some of the best
coaches in the region.

"We couldn't be more grateful to Northwest Tech for their sponsorship of Point
Guard U Basketball Camp," commented National Camp Director Reed Warner. "We
were able to provide scholarships to a group of talented young athletes who
otherwise might not have had the opportunity to attend our camp. Northwest Tech
has truly shown a commitment to shaping the future of young athletes and
empowering them with knowledge and skills that extend far beyond the basketball

"We are pleased to continue the partnership and value the opportunity students get
by attending PGU in Goodland every year'" said Athletic Director Rory Kling." The
ability to show off our facilities and introduce our coaches to a variety of ages only
helps grow our basketball programs in the area.

Point Guard University is a basketball training academy located in South Bend,
Indiana. The camp focuses on point guard training while also working on shooting,
ball-handling, and passing skills with modern training methods that aim to get
players outside the box and to the next level. Point Guard U has a summer camp
tour each year spanning across the United States. The camps are week-long and
feature coaches and players from multiple regions. You can learn more about Point
Guard U at