Northwest Tech Employee Recognized by Kansas Association of Financial Aid Administrators [Goodland, KS] - Alaina Smith was recognized for 5 years of service by the Kansas Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (KASFAA).
Presented during April’s spring conference in Salina, Kansas, Northwest Tech’s own Alaina Smith received a service award. Service awards are presented to members and associate members who have contributed a sustained membership in KASFAA.
Alaina currently serves as the Student Account Specialist at Northwest Tech. Alaina helps Northwest Tech students and their families with guidance in regarding financial aid programs, application procedures, budget development, debt management, and financial resources.
“This award, earned by Alaina, documents the hard work she is willing to do in order to provide students with top-notch support services,” said VP of Operations, Sherri Knitig.
Alaina has dedicated time and effort to KASFAA professional development workshops, trainings, and annual conferences. The organization certifies the skills and knowledge of financial aid professionals at postsecondary institutions statewide.
“My favorite thing about my job is working with all the students; each student comes from a different walk of life and is unique in their own way,” said Alaina, “It brings me joy when I get to help students and their families.”
In addition to her duties in the Financial Aid Office, Alaina has been part of numerous campus groups and initiatives such as the Wellness Committee, Employee Benefits and Recognition Committee, SAP Committee, and Enrollment and Retention Committee.