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Ag Tech Expo

Ag Expo Poster

Ag Expo Map
The Precision Agriculture department at Fort Hays Tech | Northwest will be hosting its second annual Ag Tech Expo on September 4th, 2019. We saw nearly three hundred folks across all the events last year and have heard a lot of good things from growers, community members and vendors heading into this year. We'd welcome your support to make this event a success again this year. The morning events are dedicated to the Water Technology Farms Field Day, followed with presentations by KARTA.  In the afternoon things shift to the Tech Farm with the Precision Ag Department giving a tour of it's irrigation research and applications, vendors will have exhibits and demonstrations, and the corn maze will be open to the public. 
You will need to register below if you'd like to take advantage of the free lunch. Of course the college welcomes any donations you or your organization would like to make to help the college cover the free meal.  
You'll need to register if you want to take advantage of the free lunch we'll be hosting in the Union. 
The event is being heavily promoted by various State agencies and media releases so we encourage you to invite others out as well. Below are a few links for your use in promoting the event:
Hope to see you there!